
Tuscan Sky 1

Tuscan Sky 1

The idea for the Tuscan Sky series happened quite quickly on Friday, April 20, when we spent the day in Lucca, beginning with the duomo. The entryway to this Romanesque cathedral had a number of black-and-white stone borders as well as painted borders in color. I was dazzled. Inside the pavement was replete with patterns that begged to be sketched. So back at the house I chose the second border from the right for my first painting. And that evening I painted a stormy sky – a sky that produced numerous thundershowers, some with small hail. Never leave home with an umbrella when visiting italy in the spring. Or you’ll likely have to purchase a cheap one from one of the Africans who hawk them almost instantly whenever it rains.


This is the first Tuscan Sky painting with only the sky finished and then as it looks now with its border.


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