
Mini-Retrospective at Jordan Faye Contemporary

Mini-Retrospective at Jordan Faye Contemporary

In over 30 years as an artist, until now I’ve never had the opportunity to have a retrospective. Now thanks to Jordan Faye Block and her recently relocated Baltimore gallery–Jordan Faye Contemporary–I have one, although a limited one in the number of works shown but an expansive one in that it spans 20 years. It’s her genius to make the selection. The largest pieces–Procession F, Procession J and Anxious For Love B–had only been shown in Washington, DC, at the greatly lamented Gallery K soon after they were painted. Most of the rest–done while traveling abroad in 1996, 2007 and 2012–had never been shown anywhere. Jordan came up with the title “Divine Fantasy” for the exhibition. I’m not sure that it fits me or the art. But if you find a spiritual continuity, then bless you. I bow to your higher power.
I’m not going to try to describe the ideas behind each painting. But I’ll give it a go on Sunday, Feb. 10, from 1 to 3 p.m., when I discuss the work at the gallery, 823 Park Ave., 20201. I hope to see you there.


Procession F, watercolor, 1997, 63 1/4″ x 28″


Procession J, watercolor, 1996, 63 1/2″ x 49 1/2″

Anxious For Love-B, watercolor, 1992, framed 58″ x 47″

[from left] Rochefort E, watercolor, 2007, 24″ x 18″; Rochefort D, watercolor, 2007, 24″ x 18″; Csopak II-B, watercolor, 2005, 24″ x 18″

Nine paintings from the Tuscan Sky series, watercolors, frame size 25″ x 21″. From top the bottom, left to right: #2, #7, #12, #3, #9, #11, #13, #5, $4.

[clockwise from upper right] Colegiata, Toro, watercolor, 2003, frame size 17″ x 13″;
Icarus, watercolor, 1999, frame size 17″ x 13″; Orb, watercolor, 2003, frame size 17″ x 13″; Barcelona Uno, watercolor, 2003, frame size 17″ x 13″

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