
Black and Blue

Black and Blue

If you make art long enough, you start recognizing the cyclical nature of your work. Not that you repeat yourself exactly, but you tend to return to a former way of doing things or to a former subject and giving it another look. In this case, it was a return to both how I was choosing colors and what my subject was. Before I set out on a trip to Istanbul and the Turkish Aegean Coast in 1990, I decide to try painting in monochromes or dichromes, i.e. just one or two colors per image. Here’s an example.



Ascleplion, Pergamum
Watercolor on paper, 1990
15 1/2″ x 14″


Later that year, I turned the same color scheme to Baltimore’s historic Greenmount Cemetery. I added a kink to the drawing process. None of the objects depicted were adjacent to each other. I chose the nearest object (front right) and drew that. Then I moved to the next nearest (the pyramid); then the third nearest. So it’s really a collage of the cemetery experience.



Still Life
Watercolor on paper, 1990
19″ x 14″


Then while waiting for settlement on my Mount Vernon (Baltimore) townhouse in 1993, I followed the same scheme (limited palette and rearranged objects) in doing a series of paintings in Mount Vernon as a way of getting to know my neighborhood-to-be. Here’s as example. Do you recognize the source for the figure?



Mt. Vernon 1
Watercolor on paper, 1993
12″ x 9″


So why did I return to this color scheme 19 years after that Mount Vernon series? Because last spring I hung the Asclepion painting in my front hall and later replaced it with Mount Vernon 1. “Not bad,” I said to myself, “worth a second look.” So when Mark Luce, a fellow watercolorist, wanted to do a plein air painting in the city, I suggested Greenmount Cemetery. Because I didn’t want to get too detailed, I set up about 50 feet from my subject. And I chose a weathered statue because the loss of facial features added to the sullen nature of the image.



Greenmount 1
Watercolor on paper, 2012
12″ x 9″


And last week I returned by myself and painted:



Greenmount 2
Watercolor on paper, 2012
9″ x 12″

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